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Of the Object and Plans of Operation of the "United States Mutual Protection Company," (for Encouraging Settlements in the Southern States), and their anticipated results. 

The design of the "United States Mutual Protection Company" is the occupation, by loyal citizens of the Northern States, of desirable plantations in the various Southern States, lately in rebellion, thereby infusing into them a healthy and loyal element, and, at the same time, promoting the pecuniary interests of the patriotic men who shall be instrumental in effecting this work. 

The mode in which it is proposed to accomplish this design is set forth in the articles of organization and the by-laws of the company. To present, however, a more perfect explanation of the contemplated operation and practical results of the proposed scheme, this statement is submitted.

The general objects of the company, as detailed in the second section of the first of the articles of organization, are: Procuring information as to desirable locations, leasing plantations; assisting emigrants in removing to and occupying the plantations, in raising and disposing of crops, and purchasing the lands.

To accomplish these objects, the capital stock of the company is offered for subscription in shares of $50 each, of which 10 per cent. ($5) is to be paid at the