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Rockford Illinois
March 31st 1866


I applied to Maj. Gen. Howard for an appointment in the Freedmans Bureau and he informed me that there were no vacancies existing at present at his office but in all probability there might be elsewhere and referred me to you informing me that you had the power to make appointments in your District.

Therefore I have the honor to request you to favor me with an appointment.

I have served the Gov't faithfully during the war and having been discharged so late on my return found all civil vacancies filled by those who returned before me and I am now out of employment as business is flat and a prospect for it to remain so I apply to the Govt through you to assist me.

Should you wish refferences I refer you to Hon. John F Farnsworth M. C. Hon. E. B. Washburn M.C, Maj. Genl. John W. Turner, late comdg. Indpt Div 24 A.C at Richmond, Va. Bvt. Brig. Gen'l W. B. Curtis late comdg 1st Brig Indpt. Div Col S. A Simison 23 Regt Ills. Vel Infty 

Transcription Notes:
I couldn't quite make out some of the names