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[[2 Columned Table]]
| Write the NUMBER of the BEST answer: | (Write answers here) |
| --- | --- |
| 1. FEASIBLE means most nearly (1) capable (2) practicable (3) justifiable (4) beneficial (5) reliable | 2 |
    "Practicable," numbered 2, means most nearby the same 
    as "FEASIBLE," so "2" is written on the line at the 
    right. | --2-- |
| 2. LUCRATIVE means most nearly (1) atrocious (2) fraudulent (3) wise (4) profitable (5) abundant -------- | 
| --- |
| 3. Objects are visible because (1) light falls on them 
     and is reflected to the eye (2) they are partially in 
     shadow (3) they absorb light from the sun (4) they 
     are opaque (5) light rays penetrate their surfaces -- 
     ---------------------------------------------- All 
     five statements may be true, but the only one which 
     explains why objects are visible is the statement 
     numbered 1, so "1" is written on the line at the 
     right. | --1-- |
| 4. In starting a load, a horse has to pull harder than he does to keep it moving, because (11) the load weighs less when it is moving (2) there is no friction after the load is moving (3) the horse becomes accustomed to pulling the load (4) the wheels stick to the axles (5) the horse has to overcome the tendency of the wagon to remain at rest -------------------------------------------------- |
| --- |
| 5. The saying, "A man is his own best servant." means 
     most nearly (1) Service does not always come at the 
     calling. (2) Necessity is the mother of invention. 
     (3) If you want a thing done, do it yourself. (4) A 
     little help does a great deal. (5) Where there's a 
     will, there's a way --------------------------------- 
     ----------------- The statement numbered 3 means most 
     nearly the same as 'A man is his own best servant," 
     so "3" is written on the line at the right. | --5-- |

| 6. The saying, "Think of the going out before you enter," means most nearly (1) The end is more important than the beginning. (2) A good beginning makes a good ending. (3) Decide upon a plan and stick to it. (4) Don't begin a task without considering the outcome. (5) Forethought is half of wisdom._____ | ____ |

In each of the two following questions the first two words in capital letters go together in some way. Find how they are related. Then write a NUMBER to show which of the last five words goes with the third word in capital letters in the same way. 

7. FOOD is to HUNGER as SLEEP is to (1) night (2) dream (3) weariness (4) health (5) rest __________________________ __5__
Food relieves hunger and sleep relieves weariness. Therefore "3," the number before "weariness," should be written on the line at the right. 

8. SEW is to SEAM as PLOW is to (1) ground (2) crop (3) horse (4) farm (5) furrow _______________________ _____

Read each paragraph and then write the answer. From the five suggestions for an answer, select the one statement which best answers the question and write the NUMBER of this statement on the line at the right.

9. [Reading] More patents have been issued for inventions relating to transportation than for those in any other line of human activity. These inventions have resulted in a great financial saving to the people and have made possible a civilization that could not have existed without them. 
The paragraph indicates that transportation (1) would be impossible without inventions (2) is still to be much improved (3) is more important than any other activity (4) is carried on through the Patent Office (5) is an important factor in civilization ______________________ __5__
The paragraph does not state the transportation would be impossible without inventions, it is still to be much improved, is more important than any other activity, or is carried on through the Patent Office. It does state that it is an important factor in civilization. Therefore "5" should be written on the line at the right. 

10. [Reading] One of the primary steps in the development of management in any enterprise is proper organization. After the business has been conceived and the broad policies which are to be pursued have been established, and before any operating methods may be devised, at least a skeleton organization must be developed.
What does the quotation say is impossible in industry, without a systematic plan of working? (1) Conceiving of business (2) establishment of policies (3) investment of capital (4) establishment of routine of work (5) selection of manager _________________________ _____

[[4 Columns]]

1_____2    4_____5    7_____3    10_____4
2_____4    5_____3    8_____5
3_____1    6_____1    9_____5
