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February 3, 1940

Mr. Dunn
Pan American-Grace Airlines
Chrysler Building
135 East 42nd St.
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Dunn:

Mr. Michael Gitt who is now working for us as pilot and flight instructor is seeking a position as pilot with your company. While his services have been entirely satisfactory with us I appreciate that is is only a matter of time before we will not have him with us inasmuch as he has an instrument rating and is interested in eventually getting an airline position, and in view of his very satisfactory service with us I am glad to give him any help that I can in securing such a position.

I understand that one of the obstacles may be his record of education. I must say that I was quite surprised when he told me that he had had only two years of high school, as from my association with him and from the way he has conducted himself while in our employ I would assume that he had at least a complete high school education and very probably a college education. I consider him a most competent pilot and his attitude while he has worked for us has been most helpful and cooperative. I feel sure that he would develop into such an excellent airline pilot and have no hesitancy whatsoever in giving him the highest possible recommendations for the position which he seeks.

Yours very truly,


George A. Viehmann, Pres.