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[[handwritten in upper margin]]] Pen. Central Airlines Corp 5/20/40 [[//handwritten in upper margin]]

Michael Allen Gitt    32    New York, N.Y.
822 Park Ave. Plainfield, N. Jersey, Plainfield-6-9658  M
Married        one(Wife)
170#   5'10"     Lease Apt.
      26,481    1&2s land, Instrument
Aug. 1932      9/30/40.    re-rated instructor
Flushing Flying School     April 1932.

5/19/40      1300
yes, P-2-4974    yes


No crashes or damage


P.S. 12 New York, N.Y.      June 1924    Graduated
Morris H.S.  N.Y, N.Y       Sept. 1924-June 1926.   2 years
Rhodes Prep   N.Y., N.Y.    Sept 1926 June 1928   Finished H.S.

Dean Frank C Carvin Newark College of Engineering, Newark, N.Jersey
Gill Robb Wilson, State Office Building, Trenton, N. Jersey,
Cap't H.P. Luna (Amer. Airlines)  242-15-44 Ave.  Douglaston, Long Island