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The Department of Transport Act, 1936--(Extract)...PAGE 4
Aeronautics Act....5
Air Regulations, 1938.
  PART I. Short title and interpretation......19
  PART II. Section I. Registration and marking....22
Section II. Location of marks on aircraft....24
 Section III. Measurements of nationality and registration marks....25
 Section IV. Measurement, type of letters, etc....26
Section V. Maintenance....26
PART III. Airports....26
PART IV. Personnel....28
PART V. Rules as to lights and signals, Rules for air traffic....30
  Section I. Lights and visual signals to be displayed by aircraft.....31
  Section II. Ground markings and signalling....35
  A. General.....35
  B. Ground markings.....36
  C. Distress, urgency and safety signals....41
  D. Other signals to or from aircraft....44
Section III. General rules for air traffic....47
Section IV. Special rules for air traffic on and in the vicinity of all aerodromes....49
  Section V. Special rules for air traffic on and in the vicinity of aerodromes open to public use....50
 A. General....50
 B. Flight over or in the vicinity of the landing area....50
 C. Rules to be observed for departures and landings...51
 D. Rules to be observed for manoeuvres on the ground...52
Section VI. Rules relating to aircraft on the surface of the water....53
Section VII. Miscellaneous provisions....53
PART VI. Dangerous flying....54
PART VII. Commercial Air Services....55
PART VIII. General provisions....55
 (1) Arrangement between Canada and the United States of America relating to air navigation....63
 (2) Arrangement between Canada and the United States of America relating to the issuance of certificates of competency or licences for the piloting of civil aircraft....69
 (3) Arrangement between Canada and the United States of America relating to certificates of airworthiness for export....71
 (4) Agreement for Civil Air Transport between Canada and the United States of America....73

 Memorandum respecting....79
 Applications for--
  Registration of an Aircraft....80
  Certificate of Airworthiness for Export....82
  Private Air Pilot's Certificate....86
  Limited Commercial Air Pilot's Certificate....89
  Public Transport Pilot's Certificate....92
  Air Engineer's Certificate....95
  Airport Licence....97
  Airport Traffic Control Officer's Certificate....105
