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term not exceeding six months, or to both fine and imprisonment. R.S. c. 3, s. 4; 1944-45, c. 28, s. 3 and 4.

[[margin note]] Governor in Council may prescribe compensation payable for death or injury, directly resulting from a flight undertaken in course of duty. [[/margin note]]
5. The Governor in Council may make regulations prescribing the compensation to be paid, the persons to whom, and the manner in which, such compensation shall be payable, for the death or injury resulting directly from a flight undertaken in the course of duty in the public service of Canada of any person employed in the public service of Canada, or employed under the direction of any department of the public service of Canada.
2. Such regulations shall not extend to the 
payment of compensation for any death or injury in respect of which provision for the payment of compensation or a gratuity or pension is made by any other Act, unless the claimant elects to accept the said compensation, instead of the compensation, gratuity or pension under any such other Act. R.S. c. 3, s. 7; 1944-45, c. 28, s. 5.

Part II
[[margin note]] Definitions. 
"air carrier".
"commercial air service".
"Minister".[[/margin note]] 
6. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires:-
(a) "aircraft" means any machine used or designed for navigation of the air;
(b) "air carrier" means any person who operates a commercial air service;
(c) "Board" means the Air Transport Board;
(d) "commercial air service" means any use of aircraft in or over Canada for hire or reward;
(e) "Minister" means the Minister of Transport of the Minister designated by the Governor in Council under section two of this Act. 1944-45, c. 28, s. 6; 1945, c. 9, s. 1.

[[margin note]] Air Transport Board. [[/margin note]]  
7. (1) There shall be a board to be known as the Air Transport Board consisting of three members appointed by the Governor in Council.