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AERONAUTICS Chap. 3.                  9
  (2) The members shall hold office during good   Term of
behaviour for a period of ten years, but may be   office
removed at any time for cause by the Governor
in Council: Provided that the members first
appointed shall be appointed for periods of ten, 
seven and four years respectively.
  (3) Any retiring member shall be eligible for   Re-appoint-
re-appointment.                                   ment.
  (4)Each member shall be paid such sum for       Payment
his services as the Governor in Council may       of services.
from time to time determine.
  (5)The Governor in Council shall designate      Chairman.
one of the members to be chairman of the Board.
  (6) If any member of teh Board by reason        Substitutes.
of absence or other incapacity is unable at any
time to perform the duties of his office, the 
Governor in Council may appoint a temporary 
substitute member upon such terms and condi-
tions as the Governor in Council may prescribe.
  (7)No member of the Board shall either         Independence
directly or indirectly engage in manufacturing   of members
or selling aircraft or in the transport of goods of the Board.
or passengers by aircraft for hire or reward
and no member of the Board shall be a share-
holder, member, director or partner of any com-
pany, association or firm engaged in manufac-
turing or selling aircraft or in the transport of 
goods or passengers by aircraft for hire or re-
  (8)Two members of the Board shall form a       Quorum.
  (9)No vacancy on the Board shall impair        Vaccancies
the authority of the remaining members to act.
1944-45, c. 28,s.6;1945,c.9,s.2.

  7A. (1)The Board shall have full jurisdiction  Jurisdiction
to inquire into, hear an determine any applica-
tion by or on behalf of any interested party
  (a) complaining that any ait carrier has faild
      to do any act, matter or thing required
      to be done by this Act or by any regula-
      tion, order or direction made thereunder
      by the Board, or that any air carrier has 
      done or is doing any act, matter or thing
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