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approval in writing of the Board and under such terms, conditions and forms as the Board may direct. 1945, Chap. 9, sec. 6.

[[left margin]] Licences. [[/left margin]] 12. (1) Subject to the approval of the Minister, the Board may issue to any person applying therefor a licence to operate a commercial air service.

[[left margin]] Not to be issued to persons engaged in other than aircraft transport. [[/left margin]] 
(2) No such licence shall be issued in respect of a commercial air service, owned, leased, controlled or operated by any person who is engaged in the transport of goods or passengers for hire or reward by means other than aircraft unless the Governor in Council is of opinion that it is in the public interest that such licence be issued.

[[left margin]] Only in case of public convenience and necessity. [[/left margin]]
(3) The Board shall not issue any such licence unless it is satisfied that the proposed commercial air service is and will be required by the present and future public convenience and necessity.

[[left margin]] Exception [[/left margin]]
(3A) The Board may, from time to time, exempt from the operation of the whole or any part of subsection three of this section, any air carrier or commercial air service or any class or group thereof, except a scheduled commercial air service or the operator thereof, either generally or for a limited period or in respect of a limited area, if in the opinion of the Board such exemption is in the public interest.

[[left margin]] Operating certificate necessary. [[/left margin]]
(4) Notwithstanding the issue of any such licence, no air carrier shall operate any commercial air service unless and until an operating certificate has been issued by the Minister to such air carrier certifying that the holder is adequately equipped and able to conduct a safe operation as an air carrier over the prescribed route or in the prescribed area.

[[left margin]] Route and conditions.
R.S., c. 161.  [[/left margin]]
(5) In issuing any licence the Board shall prescribe the routes which may be followed or the areas to be served and may attach to the licence such conditions respecting schedules, places of call, carriage of passengers and freight, insurance, and, subject to the Post Office Act, the carriage of mail, and such other conditions