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16        Chap. 3.       AERONAUTICS

          section twelve of this Act, but every such liscense, 
          if not cancelled or suspended by the Board under
          section thirteen of this Act, shall cease to be 
          valid one year after the termination, as fixed
          by Order in Council, of the war in Europe which 
          commenced on the tenth day of September, one
          thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine. 1944-45,
          c. 28, s. 6.

Operating   15. Every person who operates a commercial
without a air service without a valid license issued under
license.  section twelve of this Act shall be guilty of an
Offence   offence and shall be liable upon summary con-
Penalty   viction to a fine not to exceed five thousand
          dollars or imprisonment for a term not to exceed
          six months or to both such fine and such im-
          prisonment. 1945, Chap. 9, sec. 10.

G. in C.    16.The Governor in Council may authorize
may grant  the Minister to enter into a contract with any air
assistance carrier for the grant of such assistance, financial
           or otherwise, as may be specified by the Gover-
           nor in Council payable out of moneys to be
           appropriated by Parliament for that purpose.
           1944-45, c. 28, s. 6.

Powers         17. The powers conferred by this Part on the
Subject to    Board shall be exercised subject to any interna-
international tional agreement or convention relating to civil 
agreement     aviation to which Canada is party. 1945, c.
              9, s.11.
Appeal from
Board to
Court of