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Aeronautics Chapter 3.                      17

 (2) On the hearing of any appeal, the Court may draw all such inferences as are not inconsistent with the facts expressly found by the Board, and are necessary for determining the question of jurisdiction, or law, as the case may be, and shall certify its opinion to the Board, and the Board shall make an order in accordance with such opinion.
[[margin note]] Court to certify opinion to Board and Board to order accordingly. [[margin note]]
 (3) The Court may fix the costs to be paid upon such appeals from the Exchequer Court shall be applicable to appeals under this section. 1944-45, c. 28, s. 6.
[[margin note]] Costs. Rules and practice. [[/margin note]]

                   Part III
 19. All regulations enacted under the provisions of this Act shall be published in the Canada Gazette, and, upon being so published, shall have the same force and effect as if they formed part of this Act. 1944-45, c. 28, s. 6.
[[margin note]] Regulations to be published [[margin note]]

 20. Such regulations shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within ten days after the publication thereof if the Parliament is then sitting, and if Parliament is not sitting, then within ten days after the commencement of the next ensuing session thereof. 1944-45, c. 28, s. 6.
[[margin note]] To be laid before Parliament. [[margin note]]

 21. Such officers, clerks and employees as may be necessary for the proper administration of this Act may be employed in the manner authorized by law. 1944-45, c. 28, s. 6.
[[margin note]] Employment of officers, clerks and employees. [[margin note]]

 22. A civil servant who prior to or at the time of his appointment under this Act as a member of the Air Transport Board was or is a contributor under the provisions of the Civil Service Superannuation Act shall be eligible, notwithstanding the provisions of the Civil Service Superannuation Act, to continue to be a contributor under the said; his service under this Act shall be counted as service in the Civil Service for the purposes of the Civil Service Superannuation Act and he, his widow and children, or
[[margin note]] Civil Service Superannuation rights preserved. R.S., c. 24. [[margin note]]