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Air Regulations, 1938

Section IV


16. (a) As nearly as the constructional features of the aircraft admit, the width of the letters shall be two-thirds of their height, the thickness of the letters shall be one-sixth of their heights and a space equal to half the width of the letters shall be left between the letters. The letters shall be painted in plain block type and shall be uniform in shape and size.
(b) The marks shall be of such a colour in relation to the colour of the background on which they are painted as will render them clearly legible.

Section V


17. The nationality and registration marks shall be displayed to the best possible advantage, taking into consideration the constructional features of the aircraft. The marks must always be kept clean and visible. 

Part III

1. No area of land or water shall be used as an airport unless it has been licensed as herein provided.
2. Licences to airports may be issued by the Minister and may be made subject to such conditions respecting the aircraft which may make use of the airport, the maintenance thereof, the marking of obstacles in the vicinity which may be dangerous to flying and otherwise, as the Minister may direct. 
3. A fee of ten dollars shall be payable for a licence for an airport.
4. The licence of an airport may be suspended or cancelled by the Minister at any time for cause and shall cease to be valid two weeks after any change in the ownership of the airport, unless sooner renewed to the new owner.
5. Every licensed airport shall be marked by day and by night as may be from time to time directed by the Minister. (See I.C., Annex FII.)
6. The operator of any licensed airport shall be permitted to charge for the use of the airport or for any services performed only such fees as have been approved by the Minister for such airport. The tariff shall be prominently posted up at the airport.