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30       AIR REGULATIONS, 1938

6. A certificate issued to any pilot, engineer, inspector or airport traffic control officer may be suspended or cancelled at any time by the Minister for cause, including the failure to comply beyond Canada with the provisions of these regulations. 



(See Annex D)

For the purposes of the present Part:-

(a) An aircraft shall be deemed to be "on the surface of the water" when any part of such aircraft is in contact with the water;
(b) An aircraft in the air or on the surface of the water shall be deemed to be "under way" when it is not moored to the ground or to any fixed object on the land or in the water;
(c) an aircraft under way in the air or on the surface of the water shall be deemed to be "making way" when it has a velocity relative to the air or water respectively;
(d) An aircraft shall be considered as not being "under control" when it is unable to execute a manoeuvre as required by this Part or by the regulations for preventing collisions at sea;
(e) The word "visible" when applied to lights shall mean visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere. The angular limits laid down in this Part, as shown in Section I below, shall be determined when the aircraft is in its normal attitude for flying on a rectilinear horizontal course;
(f) The term "plane of symmetry applied to an aircraft means the plane of symmetry passing through the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.