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hoisting on a mast a yellow triangular equilateral pyramid, each side of which measures at least 7 feet;

(4) The use of signals provided for in the sub-paragraphs (d) (2) and (d) (3) above is optional.
(e) The signals referred to in the above sub-paragraphs of this paragraph shall, whenever possible, be displayed in a special part of the aerodrome selected as a signal area; by way of exception, the wind indicators and the landing T referred to in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph may be located elsewhere.
(f) During periods of poor visibility, the lights existing for night lighting shall be operated by day, whenever possible and in so far as necessary.

14. I. At every aerodrome open to public use and used for night flying, the following provisions shall apply during the working hours of the night service:-
(a) Dangerous lights.
   No light shall be exhibited at or in the neigh-borhood of an aerodrome which may endanger the safety of aircraft, whether by reason of glare, or by causing confusion with or preventing clear visual reception of the lights or signals prescribed in this Part.
(b) Aerodrome beacon.
   The position of the aerodrome may be indicated by a luminous beacon