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Rules for Air Traffic 47                             

19. To warn an aircraft that it is in the vicinity of a prohibited area and should change its course, the following signals shall be used:-
(a) By day: a series of projectiles discharged at intervals of ten seconds, each showing, on bursting, orange smoke. 
(b) By night: a series of projectiles discharged at intervals of ten seconds, showing, on bursting, orange lights or stars.
Provided that, when the authority who desires to prescribe the change of course referred to in this paragraph is able to establish a radioelectric communication with the aircraft, this order may be given by using the means of communication established.

General Rules for Air Traffic
20. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 27 and 33 (a) of this Part, mechanically driven aerodynes shall always give way to aerodynes not mechanically driven and to aerostats, and mechanically driven aerostats to aerostats not mechanically driven and to aerodynes.
21. An airship which is under way and which is not under control (or which has voluntarily stopped its engines) shall, for the application of the rules of this Section, be classed as a free balloon.
22. When circumstances permit, an aircraft can ascertain risk of collision with another aircraft by carefully watching the successive compass bearings and angles of elevation of the latter. It shall consider that risk of collision with this other aircraft exists if neither the bearing nor the angle of elevation changes appreciably and if the distance between the two aircraft diminishes.
The term "risk of collision" includes all risk of accident due to undue proximity of other aircraft.
23. Every aircraft which is required by the rules of the foregoing paragraphs of this Section to give way to another to avoid collision, shall keep a safe distance, having regard to the circumstances of the case.
24. While observing the provisions relative to risk of collision contained in paragraphs 22 and 23 above, a mechanically driven aircraft must always manoeuvre