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General Provisions       55

except for the purpose of making a parachute descent; or give upon any aircraft in flight, any gymnastic or other like exhibition.


Commercial Air Services

1. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires: -
(a) "air carrier" means any person who operates a commercial air service;
(b) "commercial air service" means any use of aircraft in or over Canada for hire or reward.

2. No air carrier shall operate any commercial air service unless and until an operation certificate has been issued by the minister to such air carrier certifying that the holder is adequately equipped and able to conduct a safe operation as an air carrier over the prescribed route or in the prescribed area.

3. The operating certificate referred to in paragraph 2 of this Part shall be in such form as the Minister may approve, and shall contain such terms and conditions as the Minister may prescribe for the operation of the service. (Amendment dated January 11, 1947).


General Provisions

1. (1) No aircraft carrying explosives shall carry a passenger other than the owner of the explosives or his accredited representative.

This regulation does not apply to ammunition permitted for hunting or sporting purposes or required as emergency equipment.

(2) No person shall send or take upon any aircraft any explosives without distinctly marking their nature on the outside of the package containing the same and otherwise giving notice of the same to the person in charge of the aircraft whose duty it is to receive such goods.

2. No aircraft shall carry any mails without the written authority of the Postmaster General.

3. No commercial aircraft carrying passengers shall take off or alight after dark at an unlighted airport, and no aircraft carrying passengers shall fly by night over any route which is not adequately lighted and approved for night flying by the Minister.