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7. The taking off of an aircraft shall be conclusive evidence of its acceptance by the pilot as airworthy. The pilot shall be responsible that the gross weight does not exceed that specified in the Certificate of Airworthiness, that the load is properly disposed and secured and that the aircraft is fit in all respects for the flight planned. (Amendment dated November 3, 1945.)

8. (1) An aircraft may be required to alight by any officer of or other person authorized by the Minister or by any officer of customs or immigration or by any officer of the Royal Canadian Air Force on duty as such, and every aircraft to which a signal to alight is made shall forthwith do so at the nearest practicable place to that from which the signal to alight is made, unless the signal is made from within a prohibited area in which case the aircraft shall alight as near as practicable to, but not within, such area. (See I.C. ART. 15)

(2) Any person not within one of the classes described in this paragraph who, without good and sufficient cause, makes any signal to alight shall be guilty
of a breach of these regulations, and the onus shall be upon such person to establish that he had such good and sufficient cause.

9. Every aircraft in flight shall have on board its certificate of registration, the certificate of airworthiness,
if any, the licences of all the members of the crew requiring licences, the authority and licence for the equipment and working of the wireless installation, if any, and a journey log book containing the following particulars:-
(a) The  category to which the aircraft belongs, its nationality and registration marks; the full name, nationality and residence of the owner; the name of the maker, the description and the carrying 
capacity of the aircraft;
(b) In addition for each journey:-
(i) The name of the pilot;
(ii) The number of passengers;
(iii) The place, date and hour of departure and of arrival, including intermediate alightings.