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(b) Such apparatus may be used only by the personnel employed on board who are provided with a special licence for the purpose, issued by the competent authorities of the territory in which the aircraft is registered. 

(c) For reasons of safety each of the Parties to this arrangement reserves the right to issue regulations relative to the obligatory equipment of aircraft with radio apparatus when in or over its territory. 


(a) No explosives, arms of war or munitions of war may be carried by aircraft of either Party in or above the territory of the other Party, or by the personnel employed on board or passengers, except by permission of the competent authorities of that territory.
(b) However, the carriage of accessories necessary to the operation and navigation of the aircraft, such as rockets, flares, and similar devices is not prohibited.
(c) Each of the Parties reserves the right to require that the carriage by aircraft of photographic apparatus be prohibited or regulated by the competent authorities of the territory flown over. 
(d) Each of the Parties reserves the right, for reasons of public order and safety, to limit or prohibit the carriage in or above its territory of articles other than those enumerated in paragraph (a) of this article, provided that no distinction is made in this respect between its national aircraft employed in international traffic and the aircraft of the other Party so employed.


The competent authorities of each of the Parties shall have the right to search aircraft of the other Party on landing or departure and to inspect the certificates and other documents prescribes in the preceding articles.


(a) Aircraft of either Party entering or leaving territory of the other Party shall make a first landing at and depart from only an aerodrome open to public air traffic and designated as an airport of entry where facilities exist for the enforcement of customs, passport, quarantine and immigration, regulations and the entry and clearance of aircraft; and no intermediate landing other than a forced landing may be effected before arriving at such an airport