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88             AIR REGULATIONS, 1938

8. The medical examination will be made by a medical officer approved by the Minister, and will be based upon the following requirements of mental and physical fitness:-
(a) General considerations. Good family and personal history, with particular reference to nervous stability. Absence of any mental, moral or physical defect which will interfere with flying efficiency.
(b) General surgical examination. The candidate must neither suffer from any wound, injury or operation nor possess any abnormality, congenital or otherwise, which will interfere with the efficient and safe handling of aircraft.
(c) General medical examination. The candidate must not suffer from any disease or disability which renders him liable suddenly to become incompetent in the management of aircraft. He must possess heart, lungs, kidneys and nervous system capable of withstanding the effects of altitude and also the effects of prolonged flight.
(d) Eye examination. The candidate must possess a degree of visual acuity equal to 80 per cent for both eyes with correction by glasses if necessary. Ocular poise, the field of vision of each eye and colour perception must be normal.
(e) Ear examination. The middle ear must be healthy. The candidate must possess an auditory acuity not less than that corresponding with the perception of the whispered voice at one metre. The vestibular mechanism must be intact and not hypersensitive. It must be equal on both sides.
(f) Nose, throat and mouth examination. The candidate must possess free tubal air entry on both sides.
(g) Minimum age. Candidate for private air pilots' certificates will not be granted a certificate before the age of seventeen.