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90       AIR REGULATIONS, 1938
1. Limited commercial air pilots' certificates will not be granted to persons under 19 years of age or over 45 years of age. 
2. Limited commercial air pilots' certificates will be valid in Canada only.
3. Limited commercial air pilots' certificates will be issued subject to the following conditions:---
(a) The certificate will extend only to the type or types of aircraft specified.
(b) The holder shall not carry passengers for hire unless he has completed at least one hundred hours as first pilot.
(c) The holder, if authorized to carry passengers for hire in any type of aircraft, shall only do so after he has flown an aircraft of that type for at least two hours within the last six months.
(d) The holder may, for the purpose of having additional types of aircraft added, fly such aircraft solo for a total time not exceeding three hours.
(e) The holder shall not give dual flying instruction unless specially authorized.
(f) The certificate will be subject to the holder passing a satisfactory medical examination and being certified as fit to fly, at least every six months if of the male sex, and at least every four months if of the female sex. The holder shall also, before flying after any serious accident or illness, pass a like examination and obtain a like certificate. The examinations are  to be made by a medical officer approved by the Minister, and the result thereof endorsed on the certificate.
4. Limited commercial air pilots' certificates will be valid for day flying only.
5. Certificates will be issued only after flying tests and technical and medical tests and examinations as set out below.
6. Certificates will be issued in respect of definite types and models of types of aircraft, on which the candidate can establish satisfactory proof of at least two hours' solo flying. 
7. Flying tests for limited commercial air pilots' certificates, which must be completed within a period not exceeding two month, will be as follows:---
(a) A flight, to the satisfaction of the examining officer during which the pilot shall attain a minimum altitude of 5,000 feet above point of departure and finish with a tilde, the engine being shut off at that height, the alighting made without restarting the engine, and the aircraft brought to rest within 300 feet of a point fixed beforehand by the examining officer of the test.
(b)Four similar flights in each of which the pilot shall take off and climb steadily until signaled by the examining officer, whereupon he shall immediately close the throttle and without again opening the throttle shall alight bringing the aircraft to rest within one hundred and fifty feet of a mark selected before taking off.