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                      FORMS                                91

 On one of the four flights last mentioned, the pilot shall fly at an altitude of not less than 1,500 feet above the grond or water around two marks situated at least 550 yards apart, making, to the satisfaction of the examining officer, a series of five figure-of-eight turns, each turn reaching one of the marks
 A cross country or oversea flight of at least 200 miles, beginning and ending at the same point. The candidate shall be informed of his course. The examiner will decide whether the flight has been satisfactory made.
 The applicant must submit proof of at least fifty hours in the air as pilot in sole charge of an aircraft.
(v) SPINS.
 The candidate shall satisfy the examining officer as to his ability to recover from both left and right hand spins.
8. All flights in the case of a test for a certificate for types of aircraft of less than 2,000 pounds gross weight shall be carried out withthe pilot alone in the aircraft. Test for certificates for other types shall be carried out in the aircraft of the necessary crew, if any.
9. A candidate who desires a licence pemitting him to fly a type of aircraft equipped with two or more engines will be required to undergo a practical test of his ability to fly and manoeuvre such  an aircraft with each engine in turn completely throttled down.
10. If available, a baograph shall be carried on all flights, and the graph, signed by the examiner, shall be attached to his report, which will cover all incidents, especially the alightings.
11. The technical examination must be completed within a period of one year from date of application and will be upon the subjects and will include the practical test indicated:-
 (a)Theoretical knowledge of the resistance of the air, as concerns its effects on wings and tail planes, rudders, elevators, and propellers; functions of the different parts of the aircraft and of their controls. 
 (b) Assembling of aircraft and their different parts.
(c) Practical test on rigging.
(d) General knowledge of internal combustion engines, including functions of the various parts, a general knowledge of the construction. assembling, adjustments and characteristic of aero-engines.
 (e) Causes of the faulty running of engines and of breakdown.
 (f) Practical test in running repairs.
 (g) Knowledge of rules as to lights and signals, rules of the air, and rules for air traffic on and in the vicinity of aero-dromes and seaplane stations.
 (h) Practical knowledge of the special conditions of air traffic and of international air legislation.
 (i) Map reading, orientation, location of position, dead reckoning, elementary meteorology.
 (j) Practical test on compass swinging.
 (k) Knowledge of Information Ciculars of a mandatory nature.
12. A medical examination will be made by a medical officer approved by the Minister, and on accordance with the medical requirements of the International Commission for Air Navigation.