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Forms 105



This certifies that ________________________
address ________________________________________

hereinafter called "the operator", who has applied to the Air Transport Board for a license to operate a commercial air service over the following route or area and with the following points of call: is adequately equipped and able to conduct a safe operation as an air carrier over the said route or area under the conditions hereinafter set forth.

This certificate is issued for the following class of service to be operated with the tree of aircraft specified on page 4 hereof:


1. This certificate is issued under the authority of subsection (4) of Section 12 of the Aeronautics Act, and shall be subject to the observance and performance by the operator of the conditions set out herein, and this certificate may be suspended or cancelled at any time by the Minister for cause including failure on the part of the operator, or any employee or agent of the operator to comply with the provisions of the Aeronautics Act, The Air Regulations, 1938, and amendments thereto, or any of the said conditions.

2. Aircraft shall be operated as prescribed in Department of Transport Information Circular 0/15/44 and amendments thereto.

3. Multi-engined air craft shall be capable of continuing flight with a full load with one engine out of Commission at a height sufficient to clear all obstructions along the route by at least 1,000 feet

4. Provision of the following navigation instruments of a type approved by the Minister shall be a minimum requirement:

Magnetic Compass 
Air Speed Indicator
Directonal Gyro
Bank and Turn Indicator
Sensitive Altimeter

A reliable timepiece shall be available to the pilot of any aircraft flown under the authority of this certificate while such aircraft is in flight.

5. The Minister shall have the right suspend operations over the whole or any part of the said route or area when, in his opinion, conditions are unsafe.

6. No change in the operation, type of aircraft or other facilities shall be made by the operator, except in case of emergency, without first obtaining the written approval of the Minister.

7. The special conditions, if any, set forth on page 4 hereof shall form part of this certificate

8. In this certificate "Minister" means the Minister as defined in Part II of the Aeronautics Act and includes the deputy Minister of Transport.

Form 2531