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C4.3000 The reporting points for the New York Center are defined as follows, for convenient reference. Reporting points other than those listed under the standard reporting points for the individual routes may be specifically requested by the center.
C4.30000 Aircraft passing over a reporting point shall furnish:
 (1) Time and altitude over reporting point.
 (2) Estimated time over the next reporting point.
C4.30001 Stop times:
C4.300010 Aircraft landing at reporting points shall furnish:
 (1) Time on the ground.
 (2) Instrument Approach - the initial time and altitude over the range station, time over the range station on final approach, and when ground contact is definitely established.
C4.300011 Aircraft departing from a reporting point shall furnish:
 (1) Time off the ground
 (2) Estimated time over the next reporting point.
C4.30002 Inbound flight plans:
 (1) Time off the ground or the time over the first reporting point listed shall be furnished with complete flight plan to point of final destination.
 (2) Flight plans for flights Albany to New York (or Newark) shall be furnished at least 20 minutes prior to departure or over time.
 (3) Flight plans for lights originating at Hartford, Philadelphia, Reading, Harrisburg, Allentown and Wilkes-Barre shall be furnished at least 10 minutes prior to departure time.
C4.30003 Outbound flight plans:
 (1) Complete flight plans to the New York boundary shall be furnished at least 10 minutes prior to departure time.
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