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2 - Approach from the northeast
Flights from the northeast will normally cross the Port Chester intersection at a minimum altitude of 2000 feet. After crossing this intersection, flights will proceed on the northeast leg of the La Guardia radio range, normally letting down and maintaining an altitude of 1500 feet until arrival over the LaGuardia radio range station, thence proceed out the southwest leg, and follow the procedure outlined in paragraph 1. 

3 - Enroute and approach procedure from north
Flights will proceed on the right hand side of the southeast leg of the New Hackensack radio range. A descent will be made on this heading to intercept the northeast leg of the LaGuardia radio range at the Port Chester marker or intersection at a minimum altitude of 3000 feet (Canadian-Colonial Airways - 1500). From this point, follow the procedure as outlined under paragraph 2. 

4 - Approach from the west
Flights will normally cross the Metuchen intersection at a minimum altitude of 2500 feet, thence proceed out the southeast leg of the Allentown radio range to the Keyport intersection. After crossing this intersection, flight will proceed on the southwest leg of the La Guardia radio range, descending and crossing the Coney Island intersection at a mimimum of 1500 feet, then cross the LaGuardia radio range station at 1200 fee and descend on the northeast leg to the airport. 

5 - Approach from the south
Flights will proceed via the northeast leg of the Philadelphia radio range to the Freehold intersection. Follow the southwest leg of the LaGuardia radio range to Keyport and from this point follow the procedure outlined under paragraph No. 4.

6 - Approach from Newark
Flights will proceed southeast along the southeast leg of the Elizabeth radio range climbing to a minimum altitude of 1500 feel to the Coney Island intersection. Proceed from this point as outlined under Paragraph No. 4. 

7 - Missed Approach Procedure
If the pilot misses his approach, he is to contact his company for instructions, meanwhile proceeding out to the northeast leg of the LaGuardia radio range climbing 2000 feet remaining well to the right. 

- 2 -   3-20-42