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and immediately shut down all transmitters which are controllable from the operators quarters. They shall remain off the air until the "all clear" is received from New York unless special authority to operate is received from New York. There will be such cases necessary to the safety of friendly aircraft, and these authorizations will be sent to certain stations for a specific period of range operation for specific flights. Additionally, your range obstructions lights shall be dialed off if a local blackout has been ordered by your local defense center. 

You will continue to guard the aircraft frequencies normally guarded by your station and will reply to emergency calls from aircraft in the usual manner but you will not comply with requests for radio range or marker beacon transmission until approved by New York. Pilots requesting such operation shall be requested to stand by for approval of the First Intercepter Command. The request for operation approval shall then be immediately transmitted to New York by inter phone or SSS procedure on any teletype circuit available. Operation of the radio facility is not to be resumed until approved by New York - and then only long enough for the aircraft to land. In either case the aircraft is to be informed of the word from New York. These two-way contacts after a shut-down order are to be handled with the utmost efficiency so your station is not on the air at any time any longer than is absolutely necessary for the respective contacts.

Thirty minutes after the date-time group indicated on the air raid warning the Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Erie, Mercer, Pittsburch, Buckstown, Cove Valley, Charleston and Roanoke stations will broadcast the shut-down announcement and immediately shut down their transmitters unless the "all clear" has been received from New York or special instructions have been received from New York to remain in a normal operation status. 

Upon receipt of the "all clear" signal from the Army Information Center LG New York will notify you by transmission of the following to all teletype circuits: 

These shall be no Notices to Airmen of any description transmitted to the teletype circuits regarding these shut-downs or resumption of normal operation. However, if at the "all clear" signal you are unable to resume normal operation you shall immediately make use of the Notice to Airmen procedures. 

The Washington station will relay the "all clear" signal to Circuit 5, 10, 21, 31 and 52 and will promptly relay all SSS requests and New York's approvals or disapprovals between New York and stations on the above circuits.