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ALABAMA-Alexander City

  Changes, such as establishment or discontinuance of airports, extension of landing areas, addition of new facilities, and alterations of lighting or other equipment are published by the Civil Aeronautics Authority in the Weekly Notices to Airmen, a bulletin distributed to airports for posting on bulletin boards. Airport managers are requested to inform the Authority of changes at their airports, in advance wherever possible, so that these may carried in the Weekly Notices to Airmen. 
  In cases where radio facilities are available at an airport, or in the same general locality, a notice to this effect in included in the airport description. For full information regarding operating characteristics of aeronautical radio facilities consult Tabulation of Air Navigation Radio Aids, published by the Civil Aeronautics Authority and revised on the first of every month. 
  In addition, through contacts with airport managers and operators, and from reports received from its field personnel, the Authority at all times maintains airport and airway records in a current condition and is in a position to furnish this information without charge on request to airmen and other interested. 



Alexander City. - Alexander City Airport, aux. Two and one-half mi. SW.; reservoir 3/4 mi. NW. of fld. 32°55' ; 85°58'. El. 693 ft. Irreg., sold, rolling nat. drain. ; 1 strip, 2,473 by 300 ft. E./W. Trees to W. Aviation fuel by arrangement. 
Andalusia. - Andalusia Airport, aux. One and one-half mi. S., on E. side of road. 31°16' ; 86°28'. El. 109 ft. Irreg., clay, level, nat. drain. ; 2 strips, 1,900 ft. NE./SW.; 1,700 ft. NW./SE. Hangar to SW. No servicing.
Anniston. - CAA. int. fld., site 70A, Fort Worth-Atlanta Airway. Five and one-half mi. SW. ; Se. of highway and R.R. 33°35' ; 85°51'. El. 610 ft. Cross-shape, sod, level, nat. and artif. drain. ; 2 strips, 2,400 ft. N./S.; 1,820 ft. E./W. Shed marked "70A Ft. W-A." ANNISTON, ALA. on hangar. Poles, R.R. to W., N.; trees to E. SE.; 200-ft. radio pole in downtown section, obst. lighted. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction lights. Green aux. code beacon, flash. (- -), on fld.; beacon, rot.; green course lights flash. (- -) on Brock Mountain, 1 1/2 mi. NE. of fld. Flash. red acetylene light on Coldwater Mountain 2 1/2 mi. NW. of fld. Hangars to NW.; aviation fuel from town day, night, upon request. No servicing. Teletype.
Anniston (Fort McClellan). - Reilly Field, Army. Two and two-tenths mi. NNE. of Fort McClellan Headquarters area; 6.4 mi. NNE. of Anniston. 33°45' ; 85°47'. El. 760 ft. T-shape, sod surface, level, nat. drain.; 2 paved runways, 2,300 ft. E./W.; 1,225 ft. N./S., both 150 ft. wide. FORT MC CLELLAN, ALA., embedded in fld. Trees to E., SE., SW., S.; deep stream bed to N.; poles, combat fld., to E.; 200-ft. pole in downtown section, obst. lighted. No servicing. This airport under construction and should be used in emergency only.
Atmore. - CAA. int. fld., site 16, New Orleans-Atlanta Airway. Six mi. NW. 31°04' ; 87°35'. El. 287 ft. Irreg., sod, level, nat. and artif. drain. ; 4 strips, 2,625 ft. NE./SW. ; 3,200 ft. NW./SE. ; 2,700 ft. E./W. ; 2,500 ft. N./S. Shed marked "16 NO-A." Poles to S., W., ; trees to N., W., NE.; trees bldgs. to E. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction lights. Beacon, clear, rot.; green course lights flash. (-,-). No servicing.
Birmingham. - Birmingham Airport, mun. Four and one-half mi. NE.; lake to E. 33°34'; 86°45'. El. 600 ft. Irreg., clay and soil surface, level, artif. drain.; 1 runway, 3,598 by 100 ft. N./S.; entire fld. available. M and BIRMINGHAM on hangar. Poles to S.; 200-ft. tower 5 mi. NW. ; water towers 2 mi. and 5 mi. NW., obst. lighted. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction, landing-area flood -