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Williston - FLORIDA

Day, night servicing. Field should be used with caution due to construction work.
Tampa. - Drew Field, mun. Four and one-half mi. NW. 27°58'; 82°31'. El. 18 ft. Irreg., sod, level, nat. drain.; 3 strips, E./W., 2,640 ft.; NE./SW.; 3,696 ft.; NW./SE., 4,224 ft. all 150 ft. wide; asphalt apron 100 ft. wide on 3 sides of hangar; taxi strip 500 by 100 ft. extending from apron; entire field available. Beacon, boundary, range, obst., and landing-area flood lights. Beacon, rot., green. Day, night servicing. Use caution in landing after heavy rain.
Tampa. - Inter Bay Airport, aux. Six mi. SE. 27°52'; 82°30'. El. 15 ft. Irreg., sod, level but a little rough, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 1,800 by 500 ft. E./W., 1,600 by 500 ft. N./S.; entire field available. Trees to W. and N.; poles to N. No servicing. Use in emergency only.
Tampa. - Peter O. Knight Airport, mun. Two and one-half mi. S., on N. side of Tampa Bay. 27°55'; 82°27'. El. 7.8 ft. Irreg., sod, level, nat. drain.; 3 paved runways, 3,000 ft. N./S.; 1,740 ft. E./W.; 2,115 ft. NE./SW.; entire field available. TAMPA on hangar. Trees to W.; hangars to NE.; admin. bldg. to SW.; radio towers 3 mi. SW., obst. lighted. Beacon, boundary, range and obst. lights. Beacon, rot., and clear. Day, night servicing. Lights operate from dusk to 9:00 P.M. Radio facility.
Tennile (Clara). - Tennile Field, aux. Two mi. S. on W. side of highway. 29°46'; 83°18'. El. 35 ft. Rect., sod, nat. drain.; 1 strip, 2,000 by 300 ft.; entire field available but rough. House to SW. No servicing.
Titusville. - CAA Int. field, site 20, Miami-Atlanta Airway. Two mi. NW. 29°37'; 80°50'. El. 28 ft. Square, sod, sandy, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,950 ft. NW./SE.; 2,450 ft. NE./SW.; entire field available. Beacon tower to SE. "20 M-A" on shed. Poles to W.; trees to NE., SE., and 500 ft. S. Beacon, boundary, range, and obst. lights. Beacon, rot. green course lights flash. (--). No servicing.
Valparaiso. - Eglin Field, Army. Two mi. SW., W. side of highway. 30°28'; 86°37'. El. 54 ft. Triang., grass and sad, level, nat. drain.; 2 hard surfaced runways 2,600 by 150 ft. E./W., and N./S.; entire field available. Water tower one mi. NE.; houses to E. Day servicing Government aircraft, except in an emergency.
Venice. - Venice Airport, aux. One-half mi. SE., W. of RR. 27°05'; 82°27'. El. 12 ft. Irreg., sod, level, artif. drain.; 2 strips 3,600 by 805 ft. NW./SE., 2,400 by 1,500 ft. N./S.; NE./SW. strip under const. Poles 600 ft. N.; grove of trees to SW. No servicing.
Vero Beach. - Vero Beach Airport, mun. Adjoins city on N. 27°39'; 80°24'. El. 20 ft. Triang.; level, nat. drain.; 3 strips, 4,000 by 400ft. N./S.; 3,500 by 500 ft. E./W.; 2,360 ft. NE./SW.; NW./SE. strip under const. Shed marked "13 M-A." Beacon tower to SW. Beacon, boundary, range, and landing-area flood lights. Beacon rot., green course lights flash (...-). Hangar and aviation fuel, day and night. Teletype. Fld. under const.
Wauchula. - Wauchula Airport, aux. One and one-quarter mi. E. 27°33'; 81°47'. El. 120 ft. L-shape, sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,100 ft. N./S., NE./SW., both 500 ft. wide. Trees to N. No servicing. Fld. rough, use caution.
Weirsdale. - Weirsdale Airport, aux. One-half mi. Sw., W. of R.R. 28°59'; 81°56'. El. 122 ft. Irreg., sandy, level, nat. drain.; 1 strip, 1,650 by 400 ft. NE./SW. House to N. No servicing. Use in emergency only.
West Palm Beach. - Belvedere Airport, com. Two mi. SW. 26°42'; 80°04'. El. 17 ft.. Irreg., L-shape sod and sand, level, nat. drain.; 3 strips, N./S.,  1,800 by 200 ft.; E./W., 2,300 by 600 ft.; NW./SE., 2,000 by 500 ft. W. PALM BEACH on hangar. Bldgs. and hangar on W.; poles on S., N., and NW. Beacon, rot., amber course lights flash. (-.-), one-fourth mi. S. of field. Day, night servicing. Teletype.
Williston. - Williston Flying Field, mun. One mi. E., on highway; RR to W. 29°23'; 82°26'. El. 18 ft. T-shape, sod, rough, nat. drain.; 1 runway, 1,390 by