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Fitzgerald.—Lynwood Airport, aux. One and one-half mi. due N.; W. of highway. 31°45'; 83°13'. El. 515 ft. Square, with arm sod, rolling, nat. drain.; 2 strips. 1,320 by 700 ft. E./W/; 2,600 by 350 ft. N./S/; whole fld. available. Trees, poles on W.; trees to SE.; rough in NW., NE. corners. No servicing. 
Folkston.—CAA int. fld., site 37, Miami-Atlanta Airway. Seven-tenths mi. NW. of highway. 30°50'; 82°01'. T-shape, sod, sandy, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,035 ft. NE./SW.; 2,000 ft. NW./SE. Poles to SW., NE.; trees to NE., S.; beacon tower to NE. "37 M—A" on shed. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction lights. Beacon, rot.; green course lights flash. (—..). No servicing.
Gainesville.—Gainesville Airport, mun. One and one-half mi. S. 34°17'; 83°49' El. 1,200 ft. Irreg., clay, slight slope, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 1,800 by 240 ft. E./W.; 1,400 by 60 ft. N./S. GAINESVILLE on hangar. Poles to E., W., N.; small wash to E. side of N./S. strip. Hangar and aviation fuel, day. 
Griffin.—Griffin Airport, mun. Two mi. S., on W. side of highway. 33°14'; 84°17'. El. 980 ft. T-shape, level, nat. drain.; 2 runways, 3,000 by 300—725 ft. NW./SE.; 2,200 by 400 ft. NE./SW., both 500 ft. wide. Trees to N.; hangar, beacon tower to SE. Beacon, green, rot. Hangar, but no servicing. 
Harris Neck.—CAA int. fld., site 8, Jacksonville-Richmond Airway. Located W. of Goulds Landing. 31°38'; 81°16'. El. 20 ft. Irreg., 2,600 ft. E./W. by 2,550 ft. N./S.; sod, level, nat. drain; woods to NW., SW., and scattered to E., SE.; bldgs. to E., SE. Shed marked "8 J—R." Beacon, boundary, obstruction, range lights. Beacon, rot.; green course lights flash (—...). No servicing. 
Jackson.—CAA int. fld., site 57, Miami-Atlanta Airway. Five mi. SW. 33°16'; 84°01'. El. 730 ft. T-shape, sod, rolling, nat. drain.; 2 strips 3,000 ft. E./W.; 1,800 ft. NE./SW. Shed marked "57 M-A." Bldgs. to S., SE., SW.; trees to N., NE,; poles to SW. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction lights. Beacon, clear, rot.; green course lights flash. (—...). No servicing.
La Grange. -CAA int. fld., site 37, New Orleans-Atlanta Airway. Two and one-quarter mi. SW. 33°02'; 85°04'. El. 700 ft. Irreg., sod, rolling, nat. and artif drain.; 2 strips, 3,200 ft. N./S.; 2,650 ft. NE./SW. Trees to W.; poles to N.; swamp to SW.; hill to NW. Beacon, boundary, range lights. Beacon, clear, rot,; green course lights flash. (—...). No servicing. Teletype.
Lakeland.-Simpson Field, aux. One-half mi. E. 31°02'; 83°04'. El. 175 ft. Rect., loam, level, nat. drain.; 1 strip, 1,600 by 400 ft. E./W.; available for small ships only. Creek, trees to N.; trees to W., S.; bldgs to N., W., S. No servicing
Louisville.-Louisville Airport, aux. One mi. NE. on highway. 33°00'; 82°24'. El. 356 ft. L-shape, sod, level, nat. drain ; 2 strips, 2,300 ft. by 500 ft. E./W.; 1,800 by 200 ft. N./S. Trees to E., NE ; poles to S. No servicing
Macon.-Herbert Smart Airport, mun. Four mi. E. between highway on W. and road on E. 32°50'; 83°34'. El. 450 ft. L-shape, sod, level, nat. drain.; 4 strips, 4,000 ft. NW./SE.; 3,600 ft. NE./SW; 3,700 ft. E./W.; 3,000 ft. N./S.; entire fld. within boundary lights available. Trees to N.; house, trees to NE.; large standpipe, 1/4 mi. NW., obst. lighted; 60-ft. antenna poles, 2 mi. SE., obst. lighted. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction, landing-area flood-lights. Beacon, rot. Day, night servicing. Radio facility. Teletype.
Madison.-Madison Airport, aux. Two mi. SW., W. of RR. 33°34' ; 83°29'. El. 720 ft. Rect., sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,600 ft. N./S.; 2,100 ft. E./W.; both 400 ft. wide. No servicing. Fld. under construction.
Manchester.-See Warm Springs
McDonough.-McDonough Airport, mun. Two mi. S.; W. of McDonough-Griffin Road. 33°25' ; 84°09. El. 975 ft. L-shape, sod, level, nat. drain,; 2 strips, 1,500 by 350 ft. NW./SE.; 750 by 250 ft. NE./SW.; entire fld. available. Rock pile at intersection of landing strips; 30-ft. trees 400 ft. S. Aviation fuel available day. 
McRae.-CAA int. fld., site 47, Miami-Atlanta Airway. Two mi. SE. 32°03'; 82°52'. El. 247 ft. Irreg., sandy, rolling, nat. drain.; 2 runways, 2,550 ft. E./W.; 2,350 ft. NW./SE.; entire fld. available. "47 M-A" on shed. Beacon tower to NW.; poles to NE.; trees to S.; trees, bldgs. to N., W. Beacon bound-ary, range, obstruction lights. Beacon, rot.; green course lights flash. (—...). No servicing. 
Milledgeville.-Case-Fowler Airport, aux. One and one-half mi. NW. on high-way, between highway and RR. 33°07'; 83°15'. El. 360 ft. Rect., clay and sod, rolling, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,300 by 500 ft. N./S.; E./W. Poles 200 ft. W. No servicing; aviation fuel in town. 