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Rockport.—CAA int. fld., site 12 New Orleans-St. Louis Airway. One and one-half mi. E. 31°48'; 90°08'. El. 270 ft. Cross-shape, sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,360 ft. N./S.; 2,750ft. NE./SW. Shed marked "12 NO-SL." Bldgs. to N., NE., W., and 250 ft. from NE. corner of N./S. strip; pole to NE. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction lights. Beacon, rot.; green course lights flash (.._). No servicing.
Starkville.—Starkville Airport, mun. Two mi. SW. on S. side of RR. 33°26'; 88°51'. El. 396 ft. Rect., 2,775 by 1,915 ft., sod, level, nat. drain.; entire fld. available. Hangar, trees on N. boundary; pond on E. side. Day servicing.
Tupelo.—J. Carroll Cone Field, aux. Four mi. W.; 1/2 mi. N. of highway. 34°15'; 88°47'. El. 278 ft. L-shape, dirt and sod, level, nat. drain.; 4 strips, 2,640 ft. N./S.; E./W.; 3,700 ft. NW./SE.; 2,200 ft. NE./SW.; each 500 ft. wide; fld. N./S.; E./W.; 3,700 ft. NW./SE.; 2,200 ft. NE./SW.; each 500 ft. wide; fld. soft in sports in wet weather. Bldgs., poles to N. No servicing. Teletype.
Tylertown.—CAA int fld., site 7, New Orleans-St. Louis Airways. Six mi. SE. 31°04'; 90°04'. El. 425 ft. Cross-shape, sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,250 ft. E./W.; 2,120 ft. N./S., both 600 ft. wide. Poles to E., SE.; windmill, bldgs. to SE. Trees, bldgs. to N.; trees 360 ft. E., obst. lighted. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction lights. Beacon, clear, rot.; green course lights flash. (_..). Radio facility. Teletype. No servicing.
Vicksburg.—Vicksburg Airport, aux. Seven and one-half mi. NE. 32°24'; 90°47'. El. 350 ft. Triang., sod, level, nat. drain.; 4 strips, 4,150 ft. NE./SW.; 2,630 ft. NW./SE.; 2,748 ft. N./S.; 3,158 ft. E./W., all 200 ft. wide. Poles to NW. Beacon, boundary, range lights. Beacon, green, rot. Lights operated upon request. Hangar but no servicing. Teletype.
Wiggins.—Wiggins Airport, aux. One-half mi. SW. of depot. 30°51'; 89°09'. El. 278 ft. Rect., sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 1,800 by 300 ft. N./S.; 2,000 by 300 ft. E./W. Trees to N., E., S.; houses to N., S. No servicing.
Zeiglerville.—CAA int. fld., site 19, New Orleans-St. Louis Airway. Three mi. SW. 32°55'; 90°12'. El. 274 ft. V-shape, sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,500 ft. N./S.; 2,300 ft. NE./SW. Beacon, boundary, range lights. Beacon, clear, rot.; green course lights flash. (__.). No servicing. 


Asheville.—Asheville-Hendersonville Airport, mun. Ten miles S. of Asheville; 12 miles N. of Hendersonville; 1 1/2 miles NE. of Fletcher. 35°27'; 83°29'. El. 2,090 ft. L-shape, sod, level, artif. drain.; 1 runway, 2,900 by 100 ft. N./S.; 1 strip, 2,400 by 750 ft. E./W. (sodded). Wooded mountain to NE.; hill to NW. Day servicing
Burlington.—Huffman Field, com. Two miles E. 36°05'; 79°23'. El. 642 ft. Rect., sod, slightly rolling, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 1,800 by 300 ft. N./S., 1,500 by 300 ft. NE./SW. Poles to N. and S.; 80-ft. water tower, 3,000 ft. N.; hangars in NW. corner; stumps to N.; trees to SE. Day, night servicing.
Chapel Hill.—Martindale Field, com. Two and one-half miles N. 35°57'; 79°03'. El. 502 ft. L-shape, sand and clay, level, nat. drain.; 2 runways, 2,500 by 300 ft. E./W.; 2,200 by 300 ft. N./S., marked by T's at ends. Poles to E.; woods surround field except to S. and NW.; approaches open. Day servicing.
Charlotte.—Charlotte Airport, mun. Six miles W.; S. of Wilkinson Boulevard. 35°13'; 80°56'. El. 746 ft. Irreg., dirt, level, nat. and artif. drain.; 3 strips, 3,000 ft. N./S., NE./SW.; 2,500 ft. ESE./WNW., each 500 ft. wide with 150-ft. strip of smooth top soil down center of each. N-CHARLOTTE on hangar. Hangar, beacon tower, admin. bldg. to N.; 130-ft. tank, 2 mi ENE., obst. lighted. Beacon, boundary, obstruction, landing-area floodlights. Beacon, rot., green and white; green aux. code beacon, flash. (_ ._ .). Day, night, servicing. Radio facility. Teletype.
Charlotte.—Charlotte Commercial Airport, com. Three and one-half miles NW.; reservoir one and one-half miles N. 35°14'; 80°54'. El. 750 ft. Irreg., 2,000 by 2,700 ft., clay, grass and gravel, level, nat. and artif. drain.; 3 runways, 2,500 by 300 ft. NW./SE.; 2,000 by 450 ft. NE./SW.; 2,300 by 300 ft. N./S.; entire fld. available. Steel tower and poles 1 1/2 miles S.; trees to NW., SE., and W.; poles 400 ft. W.; 130-ft. tank, 2 mi. WSW., obst. lighted; 430-ft. antenna tower 8 miles SSE. of fld. marked by red rot. beacon and two code beacons, obst. lighted; 428-ft. antenna tower 3 3/4 miles SE., obst. lighted; grand-stand to NW., within boundary marker. CHARLOTTE AIRPORT and N. arrow