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   Green Pond.—Airy Hall Plantation Airport, priv. At Airy Hall, 9 ½ mi. E. of Ashepoo; 10 min. NE. of Green Pond. 32°38'; 80°30'. El. 9 ft. X-shape, sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 3,300 ft. NW./SE.; 2,900 ft. NE./SW., both 500 ft. wide. Poles, trees to N., W. No servicing.
   Greenville.—Greenville Airport, mun. Three mi. E. 34°51'; 82°20'. El. 1,1015 ft. Rect., sod, level, nat. and artif. drain.; 3 runways, 4,200 ft. NE./SW.; 3,130 ft. NW./SE. paved, both 500 ft. wide; 2,500 by 160 ft. N./S. Hangar and admin. bldg. to S.; church steeple to N., obst. lighted. GREENVILLE on hangar. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction, landing-area floodlights. Beacon, green, rot. Day and night servicing. Radio facility. Fld. under const.
   Greenwood.—Greenwood Airport, aux. Two and one-half mi. W. 34°12'; 82°12'. El. 761 ft. V-shape, top soil, level, nat. drain.; 1 strip, 1,850 by 500 ft. NE./SW., with 150-ft. strip of top soil down center. No servicing.
   Hartsville.—Hartsville, Airport, mun. Two and six-tenths mi. NE. on N. side side of highway. 34°24'; 80°02'. El. 227 ft. L-shape, sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,500 by 500 ft. N./S.; E./W., with 100-ft. strip of clay down the center of each. Day, night servicing.
   Lane.—CAA int. fld., site 24, Jacksonville-Richmond Airway. Three mi. S. 33°29'; 79°53'. El. 72 ft. Irreg., sod, rolling, nat. and artif. drain.; 3 strips, 2,350 ft. NE./SW.; 2,750 ft. NW./SE.; 3,400 ft. N./S.; entire fld. available. Poles to E., NE., S.; trees, bldgs. around entire fld.; 80-ft. smokestack in wooded area N. end N./S. strip. Shed marked "24 J-R". Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction lights. Beacon, clear, rot.; green course lights flash. (....). No servicing. Teletype.
Laurens.-Barksdale Field, mun. Two mi. E. 34°31'; 81°58'. El. 700 ft. Rect., sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,000 ft. N./S.; 2,900 ft. NE./SW. LAURENS on hangar. Woods to SW. Day servicing.
Myrtle Beach.- Myrtle Beach Airport, aux. One mi. N. 33°42'; 78°57'. El. 25 ft. L-shape sod, level, artif. drain.; 2 strips, 2,000 ft. E./W.; 1,800 ft. N./S.; both 500 ft. wide. Open ditches to SW., S., N. No servicing, aviation fuel delivered to fld. from city.
Orangeburg.-Jennings Airport, mun. Two mi. S. between river and RR. 33°28'; 80°51'. El. 190 feet. Rect. sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 1,900 by 300 ft. NW./SE.; 2,900 by 500 ft. E./W.; entire fld. available. Poles to E., W.; trees to W., S. Day servicing.
Parris Island.-Page Field, U.S. Marine Corps. Two mi. S. of training station on Parris Island; 8 mi. S. of Beaufort; W. of the Beaufort River. 82°19'; 80°41'. El. 5 ft. Square, 2,600 by 2,600 ft., sod, level, nat. drain.; entire fld. available. Mooring mast 900 ft. N. of NW. corner; hangars to N. Day servicing for military planes only.
Pendleton.-Pendleton Airport, aux. Two and one-half mi. S., W. of lake and golf course. 34°37'; 82°47'. El. 925 ft. Rect., 1,750 by 875 ft., sod, level, nat. drain.; entire fld. available. Trees, poles to W., S. No servicing.
Pinopolis.-Porcher Field, aux. Seven and one-half mi. N., 40 mi. N. of Charles-ton Municipal Airport; 6 mi. W. of Bonneau light. 33°21'; 80°02'. El. 75 ft. T-shape, sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 2,780 by 250 ft. N./S.; 2,000 by 200 ft. E./W. Trees to W. No servicing. 
Rock Hill.-Roddey Airport, aux. Two and three-fourths mi. SW. 34°55'; 81°02'. El. 664 ft. T-shape, sod, level, nat. drain.; 2 strips, 3,550 by 500 ft., N./S.; 3,200 by 500 ft. E./W. ROCK HILL embedded in fld. Trees to S.,E.; poles to S., W. Hangars; aviation fuel in town, day. 
Smoaks.- Smoaks Airport, aux. Two mi. W., on S. side of highway. 33°05'; 80°50'. El. 109 ft. Rect., sod, level, nat. drain.; 1 strip, 1,500 by 200 ft.; entire fld. available. SMOAKS on hangar. Poles to N.; hangar to SW.; trees to W., W., but approaches clear. Aviation fuel available in town, upon request.
Spartanburg.-Memorial Airport, mun. Two and three-fourths mi. SW. 34°55'; 81°57'. El. 824 ft. T-shape, sod, gently sloping, nat. drain,; 3 asphalt runways, all 2,500 by 100 ft., N./S.; E./W.; NE./SW. SPARTANBURG on hangar. House, poles to NW.; hangar, water tower to N.; steel towers, 131 ft. high, 1 3/4 mi. SW., obst. lighted. Beacon, boundary, range, obstruction, landing-area floodlights. Beacon, clear, rot.; green course lights flash. (...). Beacon and obstruction lights operate from dusk to dawn; other lights operate to accom-modate regular schedules and upon approach of aircraft. Day, night, servicing. Radio facility. Teletype.
Sumter.-Sumter Airport, aux. One-half mi. NW. 33°56'; 80°23'. El. 169 ft. Irreg., 2,494 by 1,710 ft., sod, level, nat. drain,; entire area available. House,