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Clearwater.—Clearwater Seaplane Anchorage. Adjacent to city at yacht docks in St. Joseph Sound, S. of causeway. 27°58'; 82°49'. El. sea level. Unlimited area, shelter on three sides. Beach, dock, moorings, buoy, float. Aviation fuel by phone.
Daytona Beach.—Holly Hills Seaplane Base. One mi. S. of Holly Hills; 1/4 mi. N. of Daytona Beach on W. side of Halifax River. 29°15'; 81°02'. El. sea level. Landing and take-off area 5 mi. long by 1/2 mi. wide. Bldgs., trees along both sides of road; high tank across river from hangar; oil tanks to S. Beach, ramp, marine railway, hauling-out equipment. Aviation fuel; repair service in emergency, day.
Fernandina.—Fernandina Seaplane Anchorage. In Amelia River near SE. end of Tiger Island, adjacent to town. 30°40'; 81°28'. El. sea level. Landing area 1 1/2 mi. N./S.; 4,500 ft. E./W. Smokestack 265 ft. high; water-tank in city, obst. lighted. Good beach on coast, marine RR.; ft. high; water-tank in city, obst. lighted. Good beach on coast, marine RR.; aviation fuel at docks or by small boats.
Fort Myers.—Fort Myers Seaplane Base. Two mi. N. on Coloosahatchee River; 200 yds. S. of bridge. 26°41'; 81°50'. El. sea level. Landing area 1 mi. by 1/2 mi. 
N./S.; 2 mi. by 1 mi. NE./SW.; 1 mi. by 1/2 mi. NW./SE. Bridge to N.; trees on banks of river. Beach, ramp, dollies, dock, moorings, hauling-out equipment. Day servicing. 
Jacksonville.—Standard Oil Seaplane Anchorage. On W. bank of St. Johns River; 1/2 mi. SW. of RR. bridge. 30°19'; 81°41'. El. 5 ft. Dock, moorings, aviation fuel, on advance notice.
Key West.—Key West Seaplane Anchorage. In W. harbor behind breakwater. 24°35'; 81°45'. El. sea level. Float, moorings. Aviation fuel by phone.
Key West.—U.S. Naval Seaplane Anchorage. W. of Key West, inside of breakwater adjacent to submarine base. 24°33'; 81°49'. El. sea level. Unlimited area. Ramp at S. end of submarine basin, for Government use only, except in emergency or by permission. Three 300-ft. radio towers to E., lighted every night from sunset to sunrise. No servicing.
Lakeland.—Lakeland Seaplane Base. Two and one-eighth mi. N. on Lake Parker and E. of airport. 28°05'; 81°55'. El. 150 ft. landing area 2,000 ft. in all directions; lake N. of ramp should not be used. Moorings, bench, ramp (poor). Day Servicing.
Miami.—Chalks Flying Service Seaplane Anchorage. AIRPORT OF ENTRY. Between Miami and Miami Beach on Country Causeway. 25°47'; 80°11'. El. sea level. Land in Biscayne Bay, entire length of Causeway. Minor repairs, aviation fuel, day.
Miami.—Pan American International Seaplane Base. AIRPORT OF ENTRY. Four mi. SW., on Biscayne Bay, at Dinner Key, Cocoanut Grove. 25°49'; 80°16'. El. sea level. Ramp, marine RR. Lights on hangars and Terminal Bldg. Antenna tower, 100 ft. high in center of city. Radio poles at W. end, obst. lighted. Traffic-control lights, white and red, SE. front of Terminal Bldg. Caution should be exercised in landing and approaching base; best landing area to SE., 1 mi. off shore. Channel from landing area to base; keep to channel while taxiing due to shoals and water outside of regular channel buoys. Day servicing, night on request.
Miami (Dinner Key).—U.S. Coast Guard Airport. Three and one-fourth mi. SW.; adjacent to Pan American Seaplane Base. 25°44'; 80°14' El. 5 ft. Landing area 3 mi. E./W.; unlimited N./S. Antenna tower, 100 ft. high in center of city. Ramp, small boats, mooring buoy. U.S. COAST GUARD with N. arrow on hangar. Range lights, front green, rear red, indicate center of ramp, operated only when necessary. Day servicing for Government aircraft only, except in emergency.
Orlando.—Orlando Seaplane Anchorage. Two mi. E. in lake on S. boundary of airport. 28°33';81°21'. El. 95 ft. Beach. Aviation fuel and repairs from airport. Caution advised, lake small.
Pensacola.—U.S. Naval Air Station Seaplane Base. Five mi. SW.; S. of Chevalier Field in Pensacola Bay. Mooring, buoys, ramp. Day servicing for Government planes only, except in emergency.