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Florida-St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg.-Albert Whitted Seaplane Base. Adjacent to city on S. edge of municipal airport. 27 45';82 38'. El. 4 ft. Beach, ramp, dollies. Day, night servicing.
St. Petersburg.-U.S. Coast Guard Seaplane Base. Adjacent to city on S. edge of municipal airport. 27 45'; 82 38'. El. 4 ft. Ramp. Day servicing for Government aircraft only, except in emergency.
Tampa.-Peter O. Knight Seaplane Base. two and one-half mi. S. in Tampa Bay adjacent to airport. 27 55'; 80 48'. El. sea level. Area unlimited N./S.; 3 mi E./W. Shoals close to shore. Beach near bridge. Minor repairs, marine RR., aviation fuel from small boast or trucks.
West Palm Beach.-Currie Seaplane Base. AIRPORT OF ENTRY. One mi. N., in lake Worth. 26 44';80 03'. El. sea level. Landing area 3 mi. by 1/2 mi. S./S.; E./W. Trees on each side of lake; bridge to S. Beach, ramp, hauling-out, mooring, equipment. Aviation fuel, repairs, day.


Savannah.- Glending Seaplane Anchorage. Four and one-half mi. SE of Savannah, on Whitemarsh Island, 2 mi. SE of Thunderbolt, in Skidaway River. 32 02';81 03'. El. sea level. Mooring, dock. Aviation fuel on advance notice.


Biloxi.-Biloxi Seaplane Anchorage. Two mi. N., in Back Bay adjacent to airport. 30 26';88 56'. Sea Level. Ramp, dock, moorings, float. Repairs, aviation fuel.
Biloxi.-U.S. Coast Guard Station, Seaplane Base. E. end of Biloxi in Biloxi Bay. 30 23';88 51'. El. sea level. Ample area adjacent to main channel available for landing. Dredged channel from beacon No. 36 to ramp. Ramp. Day servicing for Government aircraft only; except in emergency.
Greenville.-Greenville Seaplane Anchorage. On Mississippi River adjacent to city. 33 25';91 04'/ El. 95 ft. Landing Area, 1/2 by 2 mi. High-tension line crosses river at S. part of city. Ramp, hauling-out equipment. Aviation fuel by phone.


Edenton.-Edenton Seaplane Anchorage. In Edenton Bay. Landing area in Albmarie Sound, S. of anchorage. 36 03';76 37'. El. sea level. Area, six mi. square. Stakes, stumps near shore. Beach, limited repairs, aviation fuel by boats.
Elizabeth City.-Elizabeth City Seaplane Anchorage. Located at Shipyard in Pasquotank River. 36 18';76 12'. El sea level. Unlimited area. Dock. Marine RR., aviation fuel available.

Beaufort.-Beaufort Seaplane Anchorage. Landing and take-off in Beaufort River, adjacent to and S. of town. 32 26';80 40'. El sea level. Area, 5,400 ft. NE./SW.; 4,500 ft. E./W. Floating seaplane dock, good shelter, fuel by boats.
Charleston.-Charleston Seaplane Anchorage. Adjacent to SW. side of city on Ashley River at Yacht Basin. 32 47';79 57'. El. sea level. Moorings, dock. Aviation fuel by phone.
Charleston.-U.S. Coast Guard Seaplane Base. Seven mi. N.; at Navy Yard in Cooper River. 32 52';79 58'. El. Sea Level. Landing Area in river 6,000 by 1,200 ft. NW./SE. Buoys for mooring seaplanes. Radio towers, 300 ft. high, to N. Day servicing for military aircraft only; except in emergency.
Georgetown.-Georgetown Essomarine Seaplane Anchorage. On N. shore Sampit River, 1/2 mi. from junction with Winyah Bay, adjoining 4 large tanks. 33 17';79 09'. El. 5 ft. Mooring. Tender service. Aviation fuel.