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To All Members                     —15—                     October 15, 1942

ill will of the National Mediation Board. We have heard that the Board has called all the air line presidents to Washington to attend a meeting on November 16 at their head offices to explain their actions. A.L.P.A.'s overseas intercontinental salary and related questions conferees and conferee advisors are standing by for further instructions from the National Mediation Board. As soon as we have something more definite relative to this matter we will again write all members. 

Quite frequently Headquarters receives inquiries from dependents of pilots on active duty asking to be acquainted with provisions of the law and Army regulations affording protection and security to those left behind. We recently learned that the War Department has issued a booklet entitled "Personal Affairs of Military Personnel and Their Dependents." Dependents may obtain copies of this booklet by writing to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. enclosing ten cents. This subject is very involved and it, no doubt, would be a good idea for those interested to send for a copy of this booklet so that they will know exactly what their rights are as dependents. 

Previously in this letter, I talked about the extreme urgency of keeping a high percentage of members in the Air Line Pilots Association. To further this thought, enclosed is an application blank. Please see what you can do to interest that air line pilot or copilot who is working right next to you and who isn't a member. 

Stay in there and pitch, and Headquarters will do likewise.

With good wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,
David L. Behnoke, President