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7. Division. --a. Division is the process of finding how many times one number is contained in another. The number to be divided is called the dividend, and the number by which it is divided is called the divisor. The result of the operation, or the answer, is called the quotient.
   b. When the divisor contains but one figure, the method commonly used is known as short division. To perform short division, place the divisor (one figure) to the left of the dividend, separated by a vertical line (see example below). Then place a horizontal line over the dividend. Divide the first of the first two figures of the dividend, as is necessary, by the divisor and place the quotient over the line. If the divisor does not go an even number of times, the remainder is prefixed to the next figure in the dividend and the process is repeated.
   Example: Divide 4,644 by 6.
             DIVISOR     774    Answer
                      6 4644   DIVIDEND
                         44    DO
                         42    MENTALLY
                          24   REMAINDER
                        Figure 8.

   c. When the divisor contains two or more figures, the method used is known as long division. This is performed as follows: Place the divisor to the left of the dividend, separated by a line, and place the quotient above the dividend, as in short division. Using the divisor, divide the first group of figures of the dividend which gives a number as large or larger than the divisor (see example below). Place the first figure of the quotient above the dividend. Then multiply this figure by the divisor, and place the product below the figures of the dividend which were used for this division. Then subtract this product from the figures directly above it. The next figure in the original dividend is brought down to form a new dividend. This is repeated until all the figures of the original dividend have been used.

509+69[[degrees symbol]] -- 43 -- 2  9