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Harris.  American Airlines:  and stranger than fiction, another United Air Lines pilot, now a high official with this company who made this his first and last contact with the idea of the air line pilots' organizing, but he nevertheless was there in attendance.  Historically speaking, this amounts to the first page of ALPA history.  Soon after this first ALPA meeting, another veteran UAL pilot came into the early air line pilot organizational scheme of things.  He was from the West Coast.  His name is Ray Little.  He is no longer in the business but his contributions to the air line pilots becoming organized were invaluable and he deserves the highest appreciation of every air line pilot now and forever.  This small group grew larger and further organization meetings were held, but always in the strictest secrecy for the reason that it was a foregone conclusion that if their identity had been revealed, they would have forthwith lost their jobs and would doubtlessly have been blacklisted in the business.