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April 1, 1946

TO:     All Captains and First Officers
        All Dispatchers

FROM:    Vice President, Operations


Effective April 1, 1946, the following on-duty time limitations shall be applicable in addition to the flight time limitations of Section 61.518 and 41.3040 C.A.R.

A pilot shall not be kept on duty for more than sixteen consecutive hours.  For the purpose of this requirement, a pilot's on-duty period cannot be broken by an off-duty period of less than -

A.  ten hours in the case of relief from duty at an airport where sleeping accommodations are not provided at the airport, or

B.  eight hours in the case of relief from duty at an airport where sleeping accommodations are provided at the airport.

A pilot shall be considered to be on duty from the time he is required to report or does report for duty (whichever is later) until he is released from duty at the airport at which his flight is terminated.

The foregoing is to be considered as Company policy only and not to be construed in any manner as Civil Air Regulations.

B. T. Dykes

cc: Chief Pilot