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TABLE 4 (Cont.)
[[3 Columned Table]] 
Specific Pilot Acts | Frequency  | Frequency 
--- | --- | ---
F. Carrying Out Cockpit Procedures |   | 42
1. Failed to use or incorrectly used cockpit checklist | 14 |
2. Did not respond, or responded incorrectly to cockpit signal or made response to cockpit signal prematurely or when no signal was given | 12 |
3. Demonstrated lack of coordination among crew | 11 |
4. Executed single-engine sequence incorrectly | 3 |
5. Gave incorrect cockpit signal | 1 | 
6. Did not make check on ice with flashlight | 1 |

G. Establishing and Maintaining Alignment with Runway on Approach or Takeoff Climb |   | 39
1. Drifted or failed to align with runway on approach, during round-out, or on takeoff climb | 33 |
2. Used incorrect method or poor technique to correct for drift on approach, round-out, or takeoff climb | 6 |

H. Attending, Remaining Alert, Maintaining Lookout |   | 38
1. Did not clear area or observe collision object | 24 |
2. Did not see edge of runway or taxi strip or observe holes in runway | 8 |
3. Let attention lapse, fell asleep | 5 |
4. Did not observe wind tee | 1 |

I. Utilizing and Applying Essential Pilot Information |   | 37
1. Lacked knowledge of navigational technique | 12 |
2. Lacked knowledge of equipment of airplane | 8 |
3. Misjudged weather conditions | 6 |
4. Lacked knowledge of route, facilities, navigational slide, airport characteristics | 6 |  
5. Lacked knowledge of procedures, rules | 5 |  

J. Reading, Checking and Observing Instruments, Dials and Gauges |   | 34
1. Did not observe readings of instruments or took eyes off instruments | 16 |
2. Did not cross-check one instrument with another | 11 |
3. Confused two instruments | 5 | 
4. Misread instrument | 2 |

K. Preparing and Planning of Flight |   | 32  
1. Planned flight or made flight despite knowledge of unsafe conditions | 15 | 
2. Did not carry out necessary inspections or learn of condition of airplane and equipment  12
3. Did not file or filed incorrect flight plan  3
4. Did not obtain sufficient weather information  1
5. Did not obtain sufficient information about route facilities  1

Transcription Notes: