Viewing page 31 of 134

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[[3 Column Table]]
--- | --- | ---
Pilot Behavior | Frequency | Frequency
A. Poor General Handling of Controls |   | 89
1. Handles pane roughly, overcontrols | 64 |
2. Flies mechanically | 15 |
3. Does not coordinate controls | 10 | 

B. Demonstrated Lack of Essential Pilot Information |   | 50
1. Procedures, rules | 21 |
2. Route, facilities, navigational aids, airports | 16 |
3. Meteorology | 9 |
4. Navigational techniques | 3 |
5. Equipment of airplane |1 |

C. Demonstrated Inconsistent or Erratic Flying |   | 27

D. Demonstrated Lack of Precision and Accuracy |   | 26

E. Operated Controls and Switches Incorrectly |   | 16
1. Forgot to operate a control | 14 |
2. Confused two controls | 1 |
3. Made improper adjustment of a control | 1 |

F. Demonstrated Poor Navigating and Orienting |   | 11
1. Flew incorrect heading to intersect, parallel or fly down beam | 7 | 
2. Flew incorrect heading to reach destination | 2 |
3. Becomes disoriented on instrument flight | 1 |
4. Did not know or keep track of position on contact flight | 1 |

G. Poor Operating of Radio or Lack of Attending to Radio |   | 10
1. Did not speak distinctly on radio | 5 |
2. Misinterpreted or failed to hear range signals | 3 |
3. Did not maintain listening watch on radio | 1 |
4. Improperly tuned or controlled volume of radio | 1 |

H. Poor Cockpit Procedures | 8 |
1. Failed to use or incorrectly used checklist | 4 |
2. Executed single-engine sequence incorrectly | 4 |

I. Poor in Establishing and Maintaining Alignment with Runway | 5 |
J. Poor in Reading, Checking and Observing Instruments, Dials and Gauges | 4 |
K. Poor Judgement of Type of Landing and Recovery from Missed Landing | 4 |
L. Miscellaneous |   | 15
TOTAL |   | 265

Transcription Notes:
Reopened. This is a three-columned table, not two. The far right column is the total of that Heading. The middle column is the breakdown of specific acts which added up, equal the right column number for each Heading.