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allowances for such times as meals are normally required, at the following rates: Breakfast 50c; Lunch 75c; Dinner $1.00; and such allowances for meals shall not begin until the time such delayed trip would normally have departed back on regular schedule to the pilot's base station except when such layover exceeds 12 hours meal expenses shall be allowed at the rates stipulated in this section from the end of such 12 hour period until the trip departs for the pilot's base station. On extra sections, the time that this meal allowance shall begin shall be the regular scheduled departure time of the flight of which the extra section is a part. When meals are served to passengers enroute, pilots shall receive meal allowances in accordance with the rates stipulated in this section and the number of such meal shall be similar to the number of meals served to passengers.

2. Co-pilots, when at their regular layover station away from domicile, shall be allowed expenses for meals during periods when they would normally require meals, not to exceed $2.25 per day, prorated as follows: Breakfast 50c; Lunch 75c and Dinner $1.00.

3. Meal expenses stipulated in paragraphs (b) -1 and -2 of this section will not be paid when flights originate or terminate at the times specified in the following:

(a) Breakfast expense will not be allowed when the flight originates at 6:00 a.m. or later or terminates at base station before 6:00 a.m.

(b) Luncheon expense will not be allowed when the flight originates at 12 noon or later or terminates at base station before 12 noon.

(c) Dinner expense will not be allowed when the flight originates at 6:00 p.m. or later or terminates at base station before 6:00 p.m.

4. Pilots, when away from their home domiciles other than their regular layover stations, shall receive expenses incurred for meals in accordance with the rates established in paragraphs (b) -1 and -2 of this section.

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