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See. 17.

(a) Seniority as a pilot shall be based upon the length of service as a pilot with the Company or with other companies whose operations have been taken over by the Company, prior to the signing of this agreement.

(b) Seniority shall begin to accrue from the date a pilot is first assigned to air line flying duty and shall continue to accrue during such period of duty.

(c) Seniority shall govern all pilots in case of promotion and demotion, their retention in case of reduction in force, their assignment or reassignment due to expansion or reduction in schedules, their re-employment after release due to reduction in force, and their choice of vacancies, provided that the pilot's qualifications are sufficient for the operation to which he is to be assigned. In the event that a pilot is considered by the Company not to be sufficiently qualified, the Company shall immediately furnish such pilot written reasons therefor. This section shall apply except as otherwise stipulated in this agreement.

See. 18.

The Company shall, within 30 days after the signing of this agreement, post on its bulletin board at all stations where pilots are based, a list of names of all pilots employed by the Company at the time of the signing of this agreement who are entitled to seniority, whether active or inactive, in the same order as their names appear on the Pilots System Seniority List agreed to by the Company and all of its pilots, dated August 2, 1940. The foregoing list shall not be subject to protest and shall be construed to be the Pilots System Seniority List as of the date of the signing of this agreement. Thereafter, the seniority of the pilots employed by the Company shall be in accordance with the seniority provisions in this contract and the Pilots System Seniority List shall be brought up to date and posted as provided in this section on Jan. 1 and July 1 of each year.

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