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(d) When leaves are granted on account of sickness or injury, a pilot shall retain and continue to accrue his seniority whether or not he is able to maintain his air line pilot's certificate or certificates required for his status until he is able to return to duty or is found to be unfit for such duty, except that in no case shall leave for sickness or injury exceed a total continuous period of three years. Return to duty after such leave shall be subject to a reasonable qualifying period not to exceed six months. 

(e) A pilot returning from leave occasioned by sickness or injury shall be permitted to resume his status and exercise his seniority on the division or at the base to which he had previously been assigned, subject to paragraph (d) of this section.

(f) A pilot on leave shall not, without prior  written permission of the Company, engage in aviation employment and in no case shall engage in employment which may bring discredit upon the Company.

(g) Any pilot who is involuntarily ordered to active military service or volunteers for such service in the event war or a national emergency is declared shall be automatically granted a furlough by the Company until sixty days after the pilot is discharged from such active service and the pilot shall, during such period, retain and continue to accrue his seniority. Return to duty, after such furlough, shall be subject to a reasonable qualifying period, the maximum of which shall not exceed 6 months. Nothing herein shall apply when a pilot voluntarily goes on active duty for normal training periods each year, in which case the pilot shall, if the requirements of the service permit, be entitled to a leave of absence during such periods and shall continue to retain and accrue his seniority. 

9. All the provisions of the Agreement not specifically changed or amended by this amendment shall remain in full force and effect. 

10. THIS AGREEMENT shall become effective as of October 1, 1944 (subject, however, to National Railway Labor Panel approval of all provisions hereof requiring such approvals), and all provision of this Amendment shall thereafter remain in full force and effect concurrently with

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