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with the Company as a first pilot, he shall receive, in addition to base pay, hourly, mileage, and gross weight pay, at first pilot rates as provided in this Agreement.

Gross Weight Pay:

4. This section is hereby added to this Agreement.

* Section (I)** First pilots and reserve pilots, when serving as first pilots, shall be paid in addition to other rates of compensation stipulated in this Agreement, gross weight of airplane rates in accordance with the maximum certificated gross weight of the Company's aircraft as follows: 2c for each 1,000 pounds of the maximum certificated weight of the aircraft for each hour flown, beginning with zero pounds and extending to the maximum certificated gross weight of the airplane:

Weight pay example:

Douglas DC-3 = 25,200 lbs. maximum certificated gross wgt., 
25,200 X 2c = $0.50 per hour.

For the purposes of computing maximum gross weight pay, the total weight figure to the nearest 1,000 lbs. shall be used.

Mileage Pay Computation:

5. Section 6 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows:

*Section 6. First pilots and reserve pilots shall be paid in addition to other pay rates stipulated in this Agreement, mileage pay at monthly mileages of under 10,000 and 10,000 miles and more respectively 2c and 1 1/2c a mile for all miles per hour flown at an hourly speed of more than 100 miles.

6. Section 7 of this Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows:

Section 7.   

(a) In computing total mileage for the month over the routes flown, whether over regular or alternate routes, actual Federal Airway distances shall be used. 

* (b)  In computing mileage for pay purposes the mileage 

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