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October 28, 1948

Mr. David L. Behncke, President
3145 West 63rd. Street
Chicago (29), Illinois

Dear Dave, 
Enclosed please find my summary and recommendations of the
Burke hearing at Burlington, Vermont, October 8, 1948. 
I believe that this report will bring you up to date and will also present my views on the subject. 
I have signed the original copy and if the style and contents are satisfactory, please forward on to Mr. Chrisp of the CAB in Washington. 
I would also like you to mimeograph a number of copies and mail 
them to all Colonial and Northeast Airline pilots individually as soon as possible. I would like to have about a dozen copies for distribution.
With best wishes, I am, 
sincerely yours, 
Michael A. Gitt

cc: R.W. Burke
H.E. Clark
H. Huston