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manager now is definitely becoming dangerous. When the field manager himself flaunts the first rule in safety and deliberately prevents an airplane from landing, then it is high time that something was done about it.

Let us bring this condition to a halt before some serious trouble occurs at Rutland. I believe that flying into Rutland with the present attitude on the part of the field manager is definitely unsafe. I also cannot help but see how every local pilot might be contaminated by this attitude. I might also add at this time that all the other landings made on the field by the local pilots were made on the grass area on the east side of the north-south runway.

In conclusion might I suggest that the Company seriously entertain the idea of filling a violation against the field manager for his action yesterday. If nothing else we at least will have an opportunity to air our views and get some safety back in the picture by focusing attention to this intolerable condition at Rutland. 

                              M. A. Gitt                       

Transcription Notes:
Same as 47 / potential glitch