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GCA: Colonial One, this is Floyd Bennett GCA. You are on your final leg.

Do not acknowledge any further transmission. 300 is your heading and 1000 feet is your altitude. Five miles from  end of runway. Steer left 290. 290 will bring you over to course a little better. Your present altitude is still OK. Coming over to course very good now. You are cleared to land  on this approach, winds on the surface are north west at seventeen knots. 290 is your heading. Steer right 295. 295 is your new heading. Start loosing altitude at the rate of 500 feet a minute. 4 miles from end of runway. Fifty feet below glide path, coming up now 30 20 10, on glide path. Hold it there. Rate of descent seems to be very good. Steer right 298. Three miles from end of runway. Check landing gear down and locked. Holding on glide path and holding on course. two miles from end of runway. Going slightly above glide path. Ease it down. Twenty feet above. Coming down now 10 feet above, on glide path. 298 is your heading. Holding on course . One mile from end of runway. Slow down to landing speed. On glide path and holding on course. 298 is your heading. One half mile from end of runway, on course and on glide path. 298 is still your heading. Quarter mile from end of runway. Center line of runway is 20 to your left. On glide path, Hold it there. Over end of runway, take over visually. Floyd Bennett, GCA, out.

Fred D. Smith
