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Section 3032 PRIOR TO FLIGHT


1. Before engines are started the airplane shall be so positioned that the propeller blast will not blow into hangars, buildings, other airplanes, people or automobiles within range. If at all possible, engines shall be started where concrete, grass or hard dirt is available. At no time shall engines be started where loose gravel is directly beneath the propellers.

2. Fire extinguishers of the approved type and capacity must be on hand and larger extinguishers shall be immediately available.

3. Engines shall not be started immediately after gassing if tanks have been overfilled or gasoline has been spilled. If gasoline has been spilled on the ground, the airplane shall be moved backwards or forwards to prevent fire hazard.

4. Only pilots or qualified mechanics, familiar with all controls, shall be in the cockpit, as engines are started. If only one person is in the cockpit, he shall sit on the left hand side.

5. If the engines have been standing idle for a period of one hour in cold weather or three hours in warm weather, check to insure that the ignition switches are in the OFF position, and that the throttles are wide OPEN, and then have the propellers pulled through by hand for at least three complete revolutions in the normal direction of rotation. If it requires abnormal effort to move the propeller, remove the spark plugs from the lower cylinders to determine whether liquid has collected in the cylinders. Never turn the propeller in the reverse direction during this operation.


1. When entering aircraft a short visual inspection should be made. If a ferry trip, check the amount of ballast abroad personally; if a scheduled flight, check the position of heater valves (steam or air). While passing, notice that they are in the appropriate position for the flight intended.

2. If steam heat is installed check amount of water in boiler, position of valves and be certain the reverse is aboard.

3. The position of the hydraulic by-pass valve should be checked together with the system pressure; if below 450# the by-pass valve should be opened and the pressure pumped by hand to 500#. The by-pass valve should be closed before starting engines, and it should left closed at all times except when necessary to build up pressure in the accumulator. Latch must be locked to the floor. Check parking brake operation. Close and open cowl flaps.

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