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Section 3046                APPROACH AND LANDING

 1. When in range, use following procedure, except when an instrument approach is contemplated. (See Sect. 3601 for instrument approach procedure.)

 2. Call company to obtain altimeter settings, using the "Altimeter Setting" and field "Pressure Altitude" vales received from station in "in range" contact. The Captains altimeter will be set to "Pressure Altitude". First Officer's altimeter will be set to "Altimeter Setting". Check both altimeter readings to insure that these settings result in there being difference between the readings of the two altimeters which is equal to the sea level elevation of the airport. If after setting the altimeters the difference in readings does not equal sea level elevation of the airport, contact the station for another set of readings and recheck. If discrepancies still exist in the readings, are governed as follows:

 3. If the difference in readings of the altimeters EXCEEDS the sea level elevation of the airport, the Captain shall use the altimeter having the LOWEST reading and be governed by its readings in determining his altitude above the airport.

 4. If the differences in reading of the two altimeters is LESS than the sea level elevation of the airport, the Captain shall use the altimeter having the LOWEST reading as his altitude above sea level.


  1. Change fuel tank selector values LEFT and RIGHT main tanks.

            GR--18200-102       R-1830-92
  2. Set mixture control in    Set mixture 
     "Pull Rich" position.     control in "Auto 
                               Rich" position 

  3. Prior to lowering the landing gear an depending on turbulences, Captain should turn Seat Belt and No Smoking signs "On". 

  1. Under normal conditions, lower the landing gear into position about two miles before the landing when coming straight in, or an equivalent distance before landing when circling the field. Fifteen seconds should be allowed for completing the dropping and securing of the gear if all operations proceed smoothly.

2/1/47                      DC-3 FLIGHT OPERATION