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Section 3051                              ENGINE FAILURES

 1. During flight tests when the outside air temperature is below 40° F., the propeller should not be allowed to remain in the feathered position for a period in excess of one-half hour if it is to be unfeathered and the engine used in the air prior to landing.

 2. Before unfeathering the engine the First Officer shall set tank selector valve for feathered engine to a tank containing fuel. 

        Gr-1820G-102                R-1830-92
 3. No firewall shut-offs      Open firewall shut-off 
                               valve to feathered engine.

 4. Peace mixture control      Turn ignition switch for
    for feathered engine in    feathered engine to "Both"
    "Full Rich" position.

 5. When the Captain gives the order to unfeather, the First Officer shall:
    Rotate the "yellow         Depress the "Red 
    unfeathering Valve", for   feathering Button" for the 
    the engine to be           engine to be unfeathered,
    unfeathered approximately  holding it in against 
    two turns open.            spring tension.

6. The Captain will watch the tachometer and propeller. When rotation has positively started on G-102 engines, he will turn on the ignition to that engine. Allowing the engine to start rotation before turning the ignition on will prevent possible backfire in G-102 engine which might cause a fire in the carburetor. 

7. As the engine speed increases the Captain will place the propeller control at approximately cruising position and be ready to advance the throttle slightly for warming up of the engine after it has started.

8. As soon as the engine RPM   As soon as the engine RPM
   has reached 500, the        has reached 800, the First
   Captain will order the      Officer shall release the
   First Officer to close the  feathering button, and 
   unfeathering valve. It is   place the mixture control 
   important that the valve be in "Auto Rich". If the
   closed as soon as possible  feathering button should
   to prevent excess loss of   stick, it will be 
   hydraulic fluid and         necessary to pull the 
   dilution of engine oil.     button out manually to 
                               discontinue the feathering
                               pump operation. 

 9. If the engine has been stopped a sufficient length of time for the head temperature to drop below 200° F. (94°C.) or the oil temperature to drop below 100° F. (38°C) the engine should be operated at about 20'' boost and 1200-1400 RPM until the head temperature is above 200° F and oil temperature is up to 100° F.

2/1/47                          DC-3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES