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Section 3301 - Emergency Procedure (Continued)

6. (Cont'd)
the captain shall give his plan of procedure. At 20 minute intervals thereafter and until he has definitely established his position, the Captain shall give his compass heading, radio bearings taken on three Stations and the time at which the last bearing was taken, keeping a record of each set of bearings and time. It is important that the Captain shall keep an accurate Flight Log at all times in order that information as to courses flown, etc., may be given the Flight Control Office to further assist confirming bearings taken.

7. If the Captain cannot establish communication with a ground station within 20 minutes after the Captain's last estimate of arrival time and the plane's radio equipment appears to be functioning normally, the Captain shall broadcast the information requested in paragraph 6 "blind" every twenty minutes.

8. The Station at which the Captain made cut his last Flight Plan shall advise all Company Radio Stations, within the range of the airplane with the fuel on board at the time, the alternate airport designated by the Captain on his Flight Plan that might be used in the event of total radio failure.

-> 9. The Dispatcher shall notify all Company Radio Stations not operating, which are within the area, to open immediately and personnel there shall stand watch and give Flight Control any aid requested or assistance that it is felt will be of value, until the emergency is declared over by the Flight Control Office.

10. Flight Control shall give the Captain every aid possible including all weather reports for scheduled stops or alternate airports which might not be used, and other useful information and instruction to the Captain. If communication cannot be established, such information and instructions shall be broadcast "blind" to the flight. Captains and Dispatchers shall be thoroughly familiar with the procedure to be observed in the event of failure of the two-way communication equipment as outlined in Civil Air Regulations--Air Traffic Rules.

11. When a flight has been unreported for thirty minutes beyond the Captains's last estimate of arrival at terminal, intermediate station or check point, the Dispatcher shall promptly advise the Vice President, giving
