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Section 3301 - Emergency Procedure (Continued)

11. Cont'd

all information available on the flight and steps being taken to locate the flight.

12. In the event a flight is approximately one hour (depending upon circumstances) past due at a Terminal, intermediate stop or check point based on the Captain's last estimate of arrival time at the Terminal, intermediate stop or check point, the Dispatcher shall make sure that State Police headquarters in the area involved are notified and requested to make inquiries in an effort to locate any point where the flight may have been heard or seen passing over.

13. If no ground station can establish communication with the flight within a reasonable time, in any case not to exceed one hour, the Flight Control Office shall contact the Civil Aeronautics Authority Scheduled Radiophone Broadcast Class B Stations nearest the last known position of the plane and request that such instructions as are necessary be broadcast to the flight and for such Civil Aeronautics Authority ground stations to guard the Colonial Airlines frequency being used. When contacting the Class B Station the Dispatcher shall arrange to give the Civil Aeronautics Authority Stations the last information on the flight received from the Captain or Company ground station, including the exact time the last radio contact was made, and give the last known location or the probable location of the flight, and other pertinent details regarding the flight.

14. The Dispatcher shall endeavor to keep at least one outside telephone open at all time for incoming calls.

15. Stations in the area in which the emergency exists shall follow all instructions and requests made by the Flight Control Office during the emergency. It is extremely important that all instructions are confirmed in writing at the time of, or immediately after, issuance.

16. In order to give the Captain aid in locating his position it will be necessary for the Flight Control Offices and all Stations to have their aeronautical charts up-to-date at all times. The Flight Control Offices shall also have available for use individual up-to-date state maps covering the control area and full information concerning all facilities available, such as lighthouse service radio beacons, U.S. Coast Guard Service, ground direction finders, commercial broadcast stations suitable for radio compass bearings, and any other aids which 
